Friday we took the kids to the Aquarium in downtown Dallas. It was a beautiful place. Kids loved it. Brooks wasn't a fan at first with just walking through the rain forest part but he really enjoyed the aquarium part and everything else.
There was a huge bird there that the kids really enjoyed. It was the biggest bird ive ever seen in person. He really liked Brooks. Brooks kept shaking his head no and the bird would do the same! It was really funny. There was a sloth that was feet away from our heads. It was sleeping of course. The kis got to feed a bird, I beleive it was some kind of berry they were feeding it. Bailey's favorite part were the flamingos. Brooks' favorite part of the aquarium were the sharks. He also got a kick out of a huge catfish that kept coming up to the glass where the kids were. Brooks looks like he is holding it's head in his hands and Bailey looks like she is kissing it! Funny kids! It was a great day.
Headed back to the Brubakers and grilled steaks! They were delicious. Great job boys on those! We hung out front for a while, kids playing and adults enjoying a drink and chatting! Bailey and Brooks started dancing to music and Heather joined in. Kids off to bed and the adults stayed up and enjoyed each others company, catching up! Heading home the next day......
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