We were all walking/driving around town yesterday for our town garage sale. We stopped at a garage sale and left cause there wasn't anything worth buying,as we drove off i caught a bright pink sign that said,"free kittens" and we turned around. We only saw two on the porch and they were dark gray and black. I had wanted a yellow one so i wasnt really interested. But then a whole bunch came out of the front door and there were two calico ones. I picked up one and she sniffed my nose,started purring and licked my face. I was sold!! The kids liked her just as much so the decision was left up to dad on this one. He said,"sure". He is a big softy for kittens! He had been wanting another cat. So, we took her home with us. There has been a little fighting on who will be holding her, ok A LOT of fighting! Grr... but she has fit right in. Clark just wants to play with her and she gets all puffed up and trys to hiss at him. Our other female cat just hisses and growls at her. I hope everyone can get a long someday! The kids named her " Butterscotch " She is a beautiful kitten!
Took her to the Friday night drive - in night with us. Probably shouldn't have done that but once she settled down it was fine.
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