
Monday, November 21, 2011

Brooks and Baseball

Brooks with his trophey
runnin to first base
Brooks with his Nana and Poppy
hittin another ball to the fence!
Brooks is a natural at baseball. He has really enjoyed playing baseball for 3 seasons now. This Spring the ball will still be machine pitch but it will be coming at them faster. Then the following season the boys will be the pitchers. Exciting! Brooks enjoys playing all the positions on the field right now. He is a really good catcher even though he says he doesn't like being a catcher all that much. We told Brooks if he hit the ball to the fence he would get a couple of dollars. Well, let's just say he got rich these last two seasons. The boy can hit a ball! Great job Brooks. Blake even coached this fall and loved every minute of it! Brooks enjoyed his Dad being there helping out at all the practices and games too!

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